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Y98 KOYO Basic dynamic load rating (C) 10.1 kN 14.288×19.05×12.7mm Needle roller bearings

  Y98 KOYO Basic dynamic load rating (C) 10.1 kN 14.288×19.05×12.7mm Needle roller bearings

Bearing number Y98
Size (mm) 14.288×19.05×12.7
Brand KOYO
Bore Diameter (mm) 14.288
Outer Diameter (mm) 19.05
Width (mm) 12.7
Fw 14.288 mm
D 19.05 mm
C 12.7 mm
Weight 0.0099 Kg
Basic dynamic load rating (C) 10.1 kN
Basic static load rating (C0) 20.4 kN
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Timken 23236YM spherical roller bearings Timken 23236YM spherical roller bearings with easy-to-use parts graphics, giving you the ability to check parts availability, 0.0 Inventory pricing, examine remanufactured TIMKEN Manufacturer Name options. Inventory 0.0 Manufacturer Name TIMKEN Minimum Buy Quantity N/A Weight 15.36 EAN 0013992054760 Product Group B04144 Number of Mounting Holes 2 Mounting Method Clamp Collar Housing Style 2 Bolt
ISB 23044 EKW33+OH3044 spherical roller bearings 100% Authentic. ISB 23044 EKW33+OH3044 spherical roller bearings Highest Quality. Certified 240x360x118 Size (mm) Supplier. Size (mm) 240x360x118 Bore Diameter (mm) 240 Outer Diameter (mm) 360 Width (mm) 118 Bearing Type straight bore, lube groove and holes Bore Dia (d) 240.0000 Outer Dia (D) 360.0000 Width (B) 118.0000 Radius (min) (rs) 4.000 Dynamic Load Rating
Toyana 22328 ACKMW33 spherical roller bearings Toyana 22328 ACKMW33 spherical roller bearings Engineering 0.0 Inventory Calculator , Manufacturing Service . Get Your N/A Minimum Buy Quantity Free. Inventory 0.0 Manufacturer Name SKF Minimum Buy Quantity N/A Weight 0 Product Group B04270 Enclosure Open Flush Ground Yes Rolling Element Ball Bearing Number of Rows of Balls Single Row Precision Class ABEC 1
AST 22311CKW33 spherical roller bearings AST 22311CKW33 spherical roller bearings with easy-to-use parts graphics, giving 0.0 Inventory IPTCI BEARINGS Manufacturer Name you the ability to check parts availability, pricing, examine remanufactured options. Inventory 0.0 Manufacturer Name IPTCI BEARINGS Minimum Buy Quantity N/A Weight 0 Product Group M06110
PFI 6307-2RS C3 deep groove ball bearings Offer High 110x170x28 Size (mm) 110 Bore Diameter (mm) Quality Brand PFI 6307-2RS C3 deep groove ball bearings .Contact Us 170 Outer Diameter (mm) Online to Get Best Quote. Size (mm) 110x170x28 Bore Diameter (mm) 110 Outer Diameter (mm) 170 Width (mm) 28 d 110 mm D 170 mm B 28 mm C 28 mm
NSK NN3928MB cylindrical roller bearings What is NSK NN3928MB cylindrical roller bearings in mechanical 160x270x109 Size (mm) engineering? Manufacturing Service 270 Outer Diameter (mm) . Upload your CAD file for an instant. Size (mm) 160x270x109 Bore Diameter (mm) 160 Outer Diameter (mm) 270 Width (mm) 109 d 160 mm D 270 mm B 109 mm C 109 mm r min.
Timken 5308WG angular contact ball bearings Various types and sizes to accommodate Labyrinth lip material: your Timken 5308WG angular contact ball bearings 4.9375 in shaft diameter: requirements. shaft diameter: 4.9375 in typical application: Exceptional Bearing Protection, Rotating Applications, Pumps, Gearboxes, Motors, Energy Efficient Ap lip material: Labyrinth harmonization code: 3926904590.US construction description: ISO-GARD® Flanged Design, Filled PTFE Rotor and Stator, FKM
50BTM5825 KOYO Basic static load rating (C0) 82.5 kN 50x58x25mm Needle roller bearings Bearing number 50BTM5825 Size (mm) 50x58x25 Brand KOYO Bore Diameter (mm) 50 Outer Diameter (mm) 58 Width (mm) 25 Fw 50 mm D 58 mm C 25 mm Weight 0.086 Kg Basic dynamic load rating (C) 35.9 kN Basic static load rating (C0) 82.5 kN

  Detailed Parameters


52TMK804 Thrust ball bearingsSize :52.400x94x20mm ,Outer Diameter :94.000mm ,Brand:NTN ,Bore Diameter :52.400mm
FCD 100130260 Cylindrical roller bearingsBore Diameter :500mm ,Width :260mm ,Size :500x650x260mm ,Outer Diameter :650mm ,Brand:ISB
7203C Angular contact ball bearingsSize :17x40x12mm ,Bore Diameter :17mm ,Brand:NACHI ,Outer Diameter :40mm
M236849/10 Tapered roller bearingsOuter Diameter :260.35mm ,Brand:ISO ,Bore Diameter :177.8mm ,Size :177.8x260.35x53.975mm
32309A Tapered roller bearingsSize :45x100x38.25mm ,Brand:ZVL ,Width :38.25mm ,Outer Diameter :100mm ,Bore Diameter :45mm
24076 K30CW33+AH24072 Spherical roller bearingsBrand:ISO ,Outer Diameter :560mm ,Bore Diameter :380mm ,Size :380x560x180mm
6016 Deep groove ball bearingsBrand:CRAFT ,Width :22mm ,Size :80x125x22mm ,Outer Diameter :125mm ,d:80 mm ,Bore Diameter :80mm
XAD32010X/YKA32010X Tapered roller bearingsBore Diameter :50mm ,Width :26mm ,Brand:Timken ,Size :50x82x26mm ,Outer Diameter :82mm
MUCFL206 Bearing unitsd:30 mm ,Bore Diameter :30mm ,Brand:NACHI ,A0:40.2 mm ,A:31 mm
KZK 19x25x16 Needle roller bearingsBc:16 mm ,Brand:NBS ,Outer Diameter :25mm ,Ew:25 mm ,Bore Diameter :19mm ,Fw:19 mm

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