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24126-CE-W33 NKE Calculation factor (Y1) 1.8 130x210x80mm Spherical roller bearings

  24126-CE-W33 NKE Calculation factor (Y1) 1.8 130x210x80mm Spherical roller bearings

Bearing number 24126-CE-W33
Size (mm) 130x210x80
Brand NKE
Bore Diameter (mm) 130
Outer Diameter (mm) 210
Width (mm) 80
d 130 mm
D 210 mm
B 80 mm
C 80 mm
r1 min. 2 mm
r2 min. 2 mm
Weight 10.6 Kg
Basic dynamic load rating (C) 597 kN
Basic static load rating (C0) 1012 kN
Limiting speed 2400 r/min
Calculation factor (e) 0.37
Calculation factor (Y0) 1.76
Calculation factor (Y1) 1.8
Toyana CX382 wheel bearings Welcome to the Toyana CX382 wheel bearings 10x26x8 Size (mm) online 26 Outer Diameter (mm) seller. Size (mm) 10x26x8 Bore Diameter (mm) 10 Outer Diameter (mm) 26 Width (mm) 8 d 10 mm D 26 mm B 8 mm C 8 mm Angle (α) 15 ° Inventory 0.0 Manufacturer Name NTN Minimum Buy Quantity N/A
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SL04170-PP NBS 170x230x80mm C1 71.2 mm Cylindrical roller bearings Bearing number SL04170-PP Size (mm) 170x230x80 Brand NBS Bore Diameter (mm) 170 Outer Diameter (mm) 230 Width (mm) 80 d 170 mm D 230 mm B 80 mm C 79 mm t 1.8 mm x 64 mm m 5.2 mm C1 71.2 mm D1 226 mm Weight 9.3 Kg Basic dynamic load rating (C) 490
YAT203-010 SKF 15.875x40x22.5mm C 12 mm Deep groove ball bearings Bearing number YAT203-010 Size (mm) 15.875x40x22.5 Brand SKF Bore Diameter (mm) 15.875 Outer Diameter (mm) 40 Width (mm) 22.5 d 15.875 mm D 40 mm B 22.5 mm C 12 mm d1 24.2 mm r1 min. 0.3 mm r2 min. 0.3 mm s1 16 mm Weight 0.1 Kg Basic dynamic load rating (C) 9.56 kN

  Detailed Parameters


28R3226 Needle roller bearingsWidth :26mm ,Outer Diameter :32mm ,Brand:KOYO ,Bore Diameter :28mm ,Fw:28 mm ,Size :28x32x26mm
EX218G2 Deep groove ball bearingsOuter Diameter :160mm ,Width :72.5mm ,Brand:SNR ,Size :90x160x72.5mm ,Bore Diameter :90mm
NN3005K Cylindrical roller bearingsBore Diameter :25mm ,Outer Diameter :47mm ,Brand:KOYO ,Size :25x47x16mm
1975/1932 Tapered roller bearingsOuter Diameter :58.738mm ,Size :22.225x58.738x19.05mm ,Brand:CX ,Bore Diameter :22.225mm ,Width :19.05mm
KT 212611 Needle roller bearingsFw:21 mm ,Brand:IKO ,Outer Diameter :26mm ,Bore Diameter :21mm ,Ew:26 mm
GYAE25RR Deep groove ball bearingsWidth :28.2mm ,Bore Diameter :25mm ,Size :25x52x28.2mm ,Brand:Timken ,Outer Diameter :52mm
23120 CW33 Spherical roller bearingsBore Diameter :100mm ,Brand:CX ,Outer Diameter :165mm ,Width :52mm ,Size :100x165x52mm
52234 Thrust ball bearingsSize :173x240x97mm ,Brand:ISO ,Bore Diameter :173mm ,Outer Diameter :240mm
NU3272 Cylindrical roller bearingsOuter Diameter :650.000mm ,Brand:NTN ,Width :232.000mm ,Bore Diameter :360.000mm ,Size :360x650x232mm ,d:360.000 mm
J-68 Needle roller bearingsOuter Diameter :14.288mm ,Bore Diameter :9.525mm ,Brand:Timken ,Size :9.525x14.288x12.7mm

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