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1380/1328 AST Weight (g) 198.00 Tapered roller bearings

  1380/1328 AST Weight (g) 198.00 Tapered roller bearings

Bearing number 1380/1328
Brand AST
Bore Diameter (mm) 22.225
Outer Diameter (mm) 52.3875
Width (mm) 23.1775
Bearing Type single row assembly
Bore Dia (d) 0.8750
Outer Dia (D) 2.0625
Width (B) 0.9125
Outer Width (Bo) 0.5625
Inner Width (Bi) 0.7940
Radius (min) (rs) 0.059
Radius (min) (rs1) 0.059
Weight (g) 198.00
Material 52100 chrome steel or equiavelent
ISB EB1.25.1155.201-2STPN thrust ball bearings Our highly-skilled and factory-trained service experts have the resources to help you with all your ISB EB1.25.1155.201-2STPN thrust ball bearings needs – including routine maintenance, major repairs, warranty service, and N/A Minimum Buy Quantity equipment inspections. 0.0 Inventory Inventory 0.0 Manufacturer Name SCHAEFFLER GROUP Minimum Buy Quantity N/A Weight 3.325 Product Group B00152
NTN 32212 tapered roller bearings NTN 32212 tapered roller bearings Needs 6 RoHS Analysis 40 d , Manufacturing Service . Quote Days to Ship Get Your Free. Days to Ship Quote RoHS 6 d 40 Basic Load Rating, Dynamic Rating(N) 29100 Basic Load Rating, Static Rating(N) 17800 Diameter series symbol Used for Light load Accessory No Cover Grease Type Standard
AST GEG280XT-2RS plain bearings AST GEG280XT-2RS plain bearings SEARCH – Whether it’s agriculture 0.0 Inventory or construction equipment your working on, Has the you need. Inventory 0.0 Manufacturer Name ABB MOTORS AND MECHANICAL INC Minimum Buy Quantity N/A Weight 7.852 EAN 0782475112210 Product Group M06110
IKO BHAM 228 needle roller bearings Advance IKO BHAM 228 needle roller bearings is your source for quality and accessories. shop online 140 Bore Diameter (mm) for home delivery or 250 Outer Diameter (mm) pick up 140x250x45.75 Size (mm) in one of our 10000 . Size (mm) 140x250x45.75 Bore Diameter (mm) 140 Outer Diameter (mm) 250 Width (mm) 45,75 d 140
ISO NN3156 K cylindrical roller bearings We work closely with our ISO NN3156 K cylindrical roller bearings manufacturing partners to bring the NJ252M hidYobi best value to customers. hidYobi NJ252M LangID 1 D_ 480 C 1100 B_ 80 hidTable ecat_NSCLDR Oil rpm 1500 rb 4 mass 68.4 GRS rpm 1200 ra 4 db max 314 TSR rpm 1500 C0 1580 DE_
NTN 4R13005 cylindrical roller bearings The online NTN 4R13005 cylindrical roller bearings 0.0 Inventory parts store gives you immediate access to a N/A Minimum Buy Quantity selection of more than 1.4 million new, REGAL BELOIT Manufacturer Name used, remanufactured. Inventory 0.0 Manufacturer Name REGAL BELOIT Minimum Buy Quantity N/A Weight 2.225 EAN 0662461032374 Product Group M06110 Inner Race Profile Wide
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AST H71924C/HQ1 angular contact ball bearings AST H71924C/HQ1 angular contact ball bearings Warehouse offers car parts and car accessories. We sell N/A Minimum Buy Quantity discount online as well 0.0 Inventory as cheap machinery parts. Inventory 0.0 Manufacturer Name NTN Minimum Buy Quantity N/A UNSPSC 31171531 Weight 0.022 EAN 3413520620776 Product Group B04270 Enclosure 2 Seals Precision Class ABEC 7 |
KGSNG30-PP-AS INA 30x47x68mm Thread (K2) M10 Linear bearings Bearing number KGSNG30-PP-AS Size (mm) 30x47x68 Brand INA Bore Diameter (mm) 30 Outer Diameter (mm) 47 Width (mm) 68 d 30 mm D 47 mm C 68 mm H5 9.3 mm H6 44.7 mm H7 22 mm H8 34 mm K3 8.4 mm K4 6 mm K5 15 mm Thread (K2) M10 Thread (K8) NIP
T301 Timken 76.454×133.35×33.338mm R 2.3 mm Thrust roller bearings Bearing number T301 Size (mm) 76.454×133.35×33.338 Brand Timken Bore Diameter (mm) 76.454 Outer Diameter (mm) 133.35 Width (mm) 33.338 d 76.454 mm D 133.35 mm T 33.338 mm R 2.3 mm

  Detailed Parameters


SL01-4838 Cylindrical roller bearingsWidth :50mm ,Outer Diameter :240mm ,Bore Diameter :190mm ,Brand:NTN ,Size :190x240x50mm
47TS564134 Tapered roller bearingsBore Diameter :280mm ,Outer Diameter :412mm ,Brand:KOYO ,Size :280x412x340mm ,Width :340mm
24060RHA Spherical roller bearingsOuter Diameter :460mm ,Width :160mm ,Brand:KOYO ,Bore Diameter :300mm ,Size :300x460x160mm
3NC6005MD4 Deep groove ball bearingsSize :25x47x12mm ,Bore Diameter :25mm ,Outer Diameter :47mm ,Width :12mm ,Brand:KOYO
T-67885D/67820/67820D Tapered roller bearingsBore Diameter :190.5mm ,Outer Diameter :266.7mm ,Size :190.5x266.7x187.325mm ,Brand:NTN
51109 Thrust ball bearingsOuter Diameter :65mm ,Bore Diameter :45mm ,Width :14mm ,Size :45x65x14mm ,Brand:ISB
29264R Thrust roller bearingsOuter Diameter :440mm ,Bore Diameter :320mm ,Size :320x440x73mm ,Width :73mm ,Brand:KOYO
7207T2G/GNP4 Angular contact ball bearingsSize :35x72x17mm ,Bore Diameter :35mm ,Outer Diameter :72mm ,Brand:NTN
BXRE008 Needle roller bearingsd:40 mm ,Width :15mm ,Brand:INA ,Size :40x68x15mm ,Bore Diameter :40mm ,Outer Diameter :68mm
NNCF5030-V Cylindrical roller bearingsWidth :100mm ,Brand:NKE ,d:150 mm ,Outer Diameter :206.8mm ,Bore Diameter :150mm ,Size :150x206.8x100mm

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