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YEL210-2F SKF Weight 0.89 Kg 50x90x49.2mm Deep groove ball bearings

  YEL210-2F SKF Weight 0.89 Kg 50x90x49.2mm Deep groove ball bearings

Bearing number YEL210-2F
Size (mm) 50x90x49.2
Brand SKF
Bore Diameter (mm) 50
Outer Diameter (mm) 90
Width (mm) 49.2
d 50 mm
D 90 mm
B 49.2 mm
B1 62.7 mm
C 22 mm
d1 62.5 mm
d2 67.2 mm
r1 min. 1 mm
r2 min. 1 mm
s1 38.1 mm
Weight 0.89 Kg
Basic dynamic load rating (C) 35.1 kN
Basic static load rating (C0) 23.2 kN
Fatigue load limit (Pu) 0.98
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UKT307H SNR L2 17 mm Bearing units A2 32 mm A5 25.5 mm B1 43 mm d1 52 mm G M6x1 H2 75 mm N2 45 mm C 33.5 kN C0 19.2 kN T min. -20 °C T max. 100 °C Adapter sleeve reference H2307 Designation of housing T307- Designation of bearing UK307G2H Bearing number UKT307H Brand SNR Bore Diameter (mm) 30

  Detailed Parameters


240/670-MB-W33 Spherical roller bearingsSize :670x980x308mm ,Outer Diameter :980mm ,Bore Diameter :670mm ,Brand:NKE
7015 CD/HCP4AL Angular contact ball bearingsSize :115x75x20mm ,Brand:SKF ,Outer Diameter :75mm ,Width :20mm ,Bore Diameter :115mm
1908 Thrust ball bearingsOuter Diameter :64mm ,Size :30x64x32mm ,d:30 mm ,Bore Diameter :30mm ,Width :32mm ,Brand:INA
35BD210-A-T12DDUCG21 Angular contact ball bearingsSize :35x62x28mm ,Bore Diameter :35mm ,Brand:NSK ,d:35 mm ,Width :28mm ,Outer Diameter :62mm
51236 M Thrust ball bearingsBore Diameter :250mm ,Size :250x180x56mm ,Outer Diameter :180mm ,Brand:SKF
F6801 Deep groove ball bearingsBore Diameter :12mm ,Brand:ISB ,Size :12x21x5mm ,Outer Diameter :21mm
NCF18/800-V Cylindrical roller bearingsOuter Diameter :936mm ,Bore Diameter :800mm ,Size :800x936x82mm ,Width :82mm ,d:800 mm ,Brand:NKE
607-2RS Deep groove ball bearingsBrand:ISB ,Size :7x19x6mm ,Outer Diameter :19mm ,Bore Diameter :7mm
PCM 161825 M Plain bearingsBore Diameter :16mm ,Size :16x18x25mm ,Brand:SKF ,Outer Diameter :18mm
NJ2310-E-MPA+HJ2310-E Cylindrical roller bearingsBore Diameter :50mm ,Outer Diameter :110mm ,Size :50x110x40mm ,Brand:NKE

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