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X32015X/Y32015X Timken db 84 mm 75x115x25mm Tapered roller bearings

  X32015X/Y32015X Timken db 84 mm 75x115x25mm Tapered roller bearings

Bearing number X32015X/Y32015X
Size (mm) 75x115x25
Brand Timken
Bore Diameter (mm) 75
Outer Diameter (mm) 115
Width (mm) 25
d 75 mm
D 115 mm
T 25 mm
B 25 mm
C 19 mm
R 1.5 mm
r 1.5 mm
a 0.5 mm
Da 110 mm
db 84 mm
da 82 mm
Db 105 mm
Aa 2.5 mm
Ab 1.8 mm
Weight 0.92 Kg
Basic static load rating (C0) 170 kN
Factor (G1) 81.8
Factor (G2) 49.9
Factor (Cg) 0.0322
Factor (K) 1.27
Basic dynamic load rating (C90) 27.4
Basic dynamic load rating (Ca90) 21.5
Basic dynamic load rating (C1) 106 kN
Calculation factor (e) 0.46
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21317AX NACHI Calculation factor (Y0) 2.49 85x180x41mm Cylindrical roller bearings Bearing number 21317AX Size (mm) 85x180x41 Brand NACHI Bore Diameter (mm) 85 Outer Diameter (mm) 180 Width (mm) 41 d 85 mm D 180 mm B 41 mm C 41 mm r min. 3 mm Weight 5.52 Kg Basic dynamic load rating (C) 400 kN Basic static load rating (C0) 364 kN (Grease) Lubrication Speed

  Detailed Parameters


HM262749/HM262710 Cylindrical roller bearingsBrand:NSK ,Width :95.25mm ,Bore Diameter :346.075mm ,Size :346.075x488.95x95.25mm ,Outer Diameter :488.95mm
129 Self aligning ball bearingsWidth :8mm ,Brand:NSK ,Outer Diameter :26mm ,Bore Diameter :9mm ,Size :9x26x8mm
6204HT200 Deep groove ball bearingsd:20.000 mm ,Bore Diameter :20.000mm ,Size :20x47x14mm ,Outer Diameter :47.000mm ,Brand:SNR ,Width :14.000mm
NUP316-E-TVP2 Cylindrical roller bearingsd:80 mm ,Brand:FAG ,Size :80x170x39mm ,Outer Diameter :170mm ,Bore Diameter :80mm ,Width :39mm
63/28ZZ Deep groove ball bearingsSize :28x68x18mm ,Brand:NSK ,Outer Diameter :68mm ,Bore Diameter :28mm ,Width :18mm
SC0039ZZ Deep groove ball bearingsOuter Diameter :26.000mm ,Width :8.000mm ,Size :10x26x8mm ,d:10.000 mm ,Bore Diameter :10.000mm ,Brand:NTN
62306EE Deep groove ball bearingsSize :30x72x27mm ,Outer Diameter :72.000mm ,Bore Diameter :30.000mm ,Brand:SNR
7210CG/GNP4 Angular contact ball bearingsBore Diameter :50mm ,Outer Diameter :90mm ,Brand:NTN ,Size :50x90x20mm
KBC090 Deep groove ball bearingsBore Diameter :228.6mm ,Brand:KOYO ,Width :7.938mm ,Outer Diameter :244.475mm ,Size :228.6x244.475x7.938mm
7311DB Angular contact ball bearingsSize :55x120x29mm ,Width :29mm ,Brand:NTN ,Outer Diameter :120mm ,Bore Diameter :55mm

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