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Toyana 7044 A-UO angular contact ball bearings

  Toyana 7044 A-UO angular contact ball bearings


YOU’LL 17x26x7 Size (mm) 17 Bore Diameter (mm) FIND AN EXTENSIVE SELECTION OF Toyana 7044 A-UO angular contact ball bearings FOR SALE.

Size (mm) 17x26x7
Bore Diameter (mm) 17
Outer Diameter (mm) 26
Width (mm) 7
d 17 mm
D 26 mm
B 7 mm
a 10,9 mm
Da max 24 mm
d1 20 mm
da min 19 mm
ra max 0,3 mm
rmin 0,3 mm
α 25 ° / Angle
m 0,015 kg / Weight
Cr 2480 N / Dynamic load rating (radial)
C0r 2080 N / Static load rating (radial)
Cur 107 N / radial Fatigue limit load
nG 22900 1/min / Limiting speed

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EXFE209 SNR Basic dynamic load rating (C) 31.85 kN Bearing units Bearing number EXFE209 Brand SNR Bore Diameter (mm) 45 d 45 mm e 24 mm s 21.4 mm A 40 mm A1 13 mm B1 56.3 mm D2 63.5 mm J 105 mm L 137 mm N 14 mm Thread (G) R1/8" A2 58.9 mm Weight 2.4 Kg Basic dynamic load rating (C) 31.85 kN
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