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SNR MLE71913CVUJ74S angular contact ball bearings

  SNR MLE71913CVUJ74S angular contact ball bearings


Browse SNR MLE71913CVUJ74S angular contact ball bearings 41,275 Bore Diameter (mm) Categories in the Manufacturers Online Free. including .

Bore Diameter (mm) 41,275
Width (mm) 49,2
d 41,275 mm
A 48 mm
B 49,2 mm
C 5 mm
H 82 mm
H1 136 mm
H2 21 mm
L 108 mm
S 19 mm
Bolt (G) PF 1
Weight 1,7 Kg
Basic dynamic load rating (C) 34,1 kN
Basic static load rating (C0) 21,3 kN

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