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SL1818/750-E-TB INA nG 355 1/min / Limiting speed 750x920x78mm Cylindrical roller bearings

  SL1818/750-E-TB INA nG 355 1/min / Limiting speed 750x920x78mm Cylindrical roller bearings

Bearing number SL1818/750-E-TB
Size (mm) 750x920x78
Brand INA
Bore Diameter (mm) 750
Outer Diameter (mm) 920
Width (mm) 78
d 750 mm
D 920 mm
B 78 mm
D1 862.2 mm
d1 810.5 mm
E 882 mm
rmin 5 mm
s 9 mm / Axial displacement
m 105.5 kg / Weight
Cr 1810000 N / Dynamic load rating (radial)
C0r 4200000 N / Static load rating (radial)
Cur 355000 N / Fatigue limit load. radial
nG 355 1/min / Limiting speed
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  Detailed Parameters


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GEF60ES Plain bearingsBearing Type - plain-wide:plainwide ,Outer Dia (D):100.0000 ,Bore Dia (d):60.0000 ,Outer Diameter :100mm ,Bore Diameter :60mm ,Brand:AST
190RUB32APV Spherical roller bearingsBrand:NSK ,Bore Diameter :190mm ,Outer Diameter :340mm ,Size :190x340x120mm ,Width :120mm
GEK 50 XS 2RS Plain bearingsWidth :80mm ,Outer Diameter :110mm ,Size :50x110x80mm ,Brand:ISB ,Bore Diameter :50mm
KK40x45x30 Needle roller bearingsSize :40x45x30mm ,Bore Diameter :40mm ,Brand:ISO ,Outer Diameter :45mm
32338 Tapered roller bearingsd:190 mm ,Bore Diameter :190mm ,Brand:NACHI ,Outer Diameter :400mm ,Size :190x400x140mm ,Width :140mm
EXFL314 Bearing unitss:34.2 mm ,e:36 mm ,Bore Diameter :70mm ,A:61 mm ,d:70 mm ,Brand:SNR
240/950 CAK30F/W33 Tapered roller bearingsWidth :412mm ,Size :1360x950x412mm ,Brand:SKF ,Outer Diameter :950mm ,Bore Diameter :1360mm ,d:950 mm
K 18x22x10 Needle roller bearingsBrand:NBS ,Outer Diameter :22mm ,Bore Diameter :18mm ,Fw:18 mm

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