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SL02-4960 NTN ℓ 6 Tolerance h14 300x420x118mm Cylindrical roller bearings

  SL02-4960 NTN ℓ 6 Tolerance h14 300x420x118mm Cylindrical roller bearings

Bearing number SL02-4960
Size (mm) 300x420x118
Brand NTN
Bore Diameter (mm) 300
Outer Diameter (mm) 420
Width (mm) 118
d 300 mm
D 420 mm
B 118 mm
C 118 mm
r min. 3 mm
J 344 mm
M 377 mm
6 Tolerance h14
Da 407 mm
ra max. 2.5 mm
da 313 mm
Weight 51.9 Kg
Basic dynamic load rating (C) 1 580 kN
Basic static load rating (C0) 3 800 kN
(Grease) Lubrication Speed 330 r/min
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NTN PK21.6X29.6X15.8 needle roller bearings NTN PK21.6X29.6X15.8 needle roller bearings 30x62x16 Size (mm) Warehouse offers car parts and car 30 Bore Diameter (mm) accessories. We sell 62 Outer Diameter (mm) discount online as well as cheap machinery parts. Size (mm) 30x62x16 Bore Diameter (mm) 30 Outer Diameter (mm) 62 Width (mm) 16 d 30 mm D 62 mm B 16
SIGMA XLJ 10 deep groove ball bearings High Quality SIGMA XLJ 10 deep groove ball bearings. 130 mm d Competitive Pricing. Accept 112.713 mm d1 Small Order. Easy and Fast Shipping. d1 112.713 mm d 130 mm d3 max. 171.577 mm B1 126.289 mm B 22.479 mm B4 25.4 mm G 129.692 mm Threads per inch 12 Mass adapter sleeve assembly 5.65
NTN FLRA188ZZA deep groove ball bearings NTN FLRA188ZZA deep groove ball bearings Deal is your source for OEM and accessories. 10.2500 in overall length: We 2.4375 in d sell Genuine at discount prices. d 2.4375 in D 6.8800 to 8.6300 in overall length: 10.2500 in base width: 2.9000 in overall height: 5.8000 in expansion type: Expansion Bearing (Floating) mounting: Two-Bolt Base
ISO NP19/710 cylindrical roller bearings ISO NP19/710 cylindrical roller bearings 254×422.275×86.121 Size (mm) with easy-to-use parts graphics, giving you the ability to check parts availability, pricing, examine remanufactured options. Size (mm) 254×422.275×86.121 Bore Diameter (mm) 254 Outer Diameter (mm) 422,275 Width (mm) 86,121 d 254 mm D 422,275 mm T 86,121 mm B 79,771 mm C 66,675 mm a 78,7
Single-Row Four Point Angular Contact Slewing Ball Bearing External Gear 9e-1b14-0179-0624-1 Advance Single-Row Four Point Angular Contact Slewing Ball Bearing External Gear 9e-1b14-0179-0624-1 is your source for quality and accessories. shop online for home delivery or pick up in one of SCHAEFFLER GROUP Manufacturer Name our 10000 . 0.0 Inventory Inventory 0.0 Manufacturer Name SCHAEFFLER GROUP Minimum Buy Quantity N/A Weight / US pound 0.01 Product
Precision 9inch Slewing Drive PE9 for Truck Crane Precision 9inch Slewing Drive PE9 for Truck Crane Deal is your source for OEM and accessories. We sell Genuine at discount prices. 25x62x25.4 Size (mm) Size (mm) 25x62x25.4 Bore Diameter (mm) 25 Outer Diameter (mm) 62 Width (mm) 25.4 d 25 mm D 62 mm B 25.4 mm C 25.4 mm Angle (α) 30 °
BS2-2216-2CSK/VT143 SKF 80x140x40mm Manufacturer Name SKF Spherical roller bearings Bearing number BS2-2216-2CSK/VT143 Size (mm) 80x140x40 Brand SKF Bore Diameter (mm) 80 Outer Diameter (mm) 140 Width (mm) 40 d 80 mm D 140 mm B 40 mm C 40 mm b 6 mm d2 91.7 mm r1 min. 2 mm r2 min. 2 mm D1 128 mm K 3 mm da min. 91 mm
1580205 Loyal B 15 mm 25x52x15mm Deep groove ball bearings Bearing number 1580205 Size (mm) 25x52x15 Brand CRAFT Bore Diameter (mm) 25 Outer Diameter (mm) 52 Width (mm) 15 d 25 mm D 52 mm B 15 mm C 15 mm

  Detailed Parameters


28678/28622 B/Q Tapered roller bearingsOuter Diameter :50.8mm ,Size :97.63x50.8x23.812mm ,Width :23.812mm ,Brand:SKF ,Bore Diameter :97.63mm
20311 Spherical roller bearingsd:55 mm ,Width :29mm ,Size :55x120x29mm ,Bore Diameter :55mm ,Outer Diameter :120mm ,Brand:ISO
N2317 Cylindrical roller bearingsWidth :60mm ,Outer Diameter :156mm ,Size :85x156x60mm ,Brand:NTN ,Bore Diameter :85mm
ASTT90 3230 Plain bearingsShaft Dia., Nominal (d):32.0000 ,Outer Diameter :36mm ,Bore Diameter :32mm ,Bearing Type:straight ,Brand:AST
SX07B98LZ Angular contact ball bearingsSize :35.700x55x15mm ,Brand:NTN ,Outer Diameter :55.000mm ,Bore Diameter :35.700mm ,Width :15.000mm
NP380290/NP533133 Tapered roller bearingsWidth :30.162mm ,Brand:Timken ,Bore Diameter :85.725mm ,Outer Diameter :136.525mm ,Size :85.725x136.525x30.162mm
ASTB90 F26590 Plain bearingsBrand:AST ,Bearing Type:flanged ,Bore Diameter :265mm ,Outer Diameter :270mm
RNA4864 Needle roller bearingsBrand:NSK ,Bore Diameter :350mm ,Outer Diameter :400mm ,Size :350x400x80mm
16006ZZ Deep groove ball bearingsOuter Diameter :55mm ,Brand:FBJ ,Size :30x55x9mm ,Width :9mm ,Bore Diameter :30mm
NA 6919 ZW Needle roller bearingsBrand:NBS ,Bore Diameter :95mm ,Outer Diameter :130mm ,d:95 mm ,Width :63mm ,Size :95x130x63mm

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