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PFI LM78349/10 tapered roller bearings

  PFI LM78349/10 tapered roller bearings


170 Million used PFI LM78349/10 tapered roller bearings instantly searchable. Shop 28 mm d our large selection of parts based on brand, price, 39 mm D description, and location. Order 16000 RPM maximum rpm: the with stock …

d 28 mm
maximum rpm: 16000 RPM
D 39 mm
flanges: With Flanges
B 30 mm
series: RNA
needle bearing type: Machined Bearing with No Inner Ring
lubrication hole type: Lubrication Groove & Hole
closure type: Open
precision rating: Not Rated
dynamic load capacity: 6880 lbf
standards met: DIN 617, ISO 1206, ISO 5753, ISO 582
static load capacity: 11400 lbf

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