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NTN KV44X50X36.3 needle roller bearings

  NTN KV44X50X36.3 needle roller bearings


Online NTN KV44X50X36.3 needle roller bearings N/A Minimum Buy Quantity Expert.More Choices. NTN KV44X50X36.3 needle roller bearings in Stock & 0.0 Inventory Ready to Ship Now!

Inventory 0.0
Manufacturer Name SKF
Minimum Buy Quantity N/A
Weight 0
EAN 7316577006356
Product Group B04334
Dimension series 3DE
d 70 mm
D 120 mm
T 37 mm
d1 ≈ 95.3 mm
B 37 mm
C 29 mm
r1,2 min. 2 mm
r3,4 min. 1.5 mm
a 27.614 mm
da max. 80 mm
db min. 80.5 mm
Da min. 104 mm
Da max. 111.5 mm
Db min. 115 mm
Ca min. 6 mm
Cb min. 8 mm
ra max. 2 mm
rb max. 1.5 mm
Basic dynamic load rating C 211 kN
Basic static load rating C0 250 kN
Fatigue load limit Pu 28.5 kN
Reference speed 4300 r/min
Limiting speed 5300 r/min
Calculation factor e 0.37
Calculation factor Y 1.6
Calculation factor Y0 0.9
Mass bearing 1.68 kg

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