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NSK HR70KBE042+L tapered roller bearings

  NSK HR70KBE042+L tapered roller bearings


What is 12 Outer Diameter (mm) the best place to buy NSK HR70KBE042+L tapered roller bearings online? Manufacturing 10 Bore Diameter (mm) Service .

Bore Diameter (mm) 10
Outer Diameter (mm) 12
Bearing Type flanged
Shaft Dia., Nominal (d) 10.0000
Shaft Size (ds) – 10 -0.016 / -0.034 10 0.016 / 0.034
Housing Bore Dia. (Dh) 12 +0.018 / +0
Bearing Outside Diameter, Nominal(Do) 12.000
Bearing Outside Diameter Tolerance (Do tol.) 12.055 / 12.025
Bearing Bore after Mounting (di) 10.058 / 9.99
Average Clearance (Cd) 0.0450
Wall Thickness (S3) 1.005
Bearing Length, Nominal (B) 9.000
Bearing Length Tolerance (B tol.) – +0.25 / -0.25 +0.25 / 0.25
OD Chamfer Length (Co) 0.600
ID Chamfer Angle (B deg.) 30
ID Chamfer Length (Ci) 0.300
Flange Dia. (Dfl pm 0.5) 18.000
Flange Radius (rfl) 1.000
Material Bronze shell with PTFE / Fiber lining

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