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Loyal RE19025 crossed roller bearing

  Loyal RE19025 crossed roller bearing


are -65 to +250 °F operating temperature range: a few brands you will find in our inventory. Find Loyal RE19025 crossed roller bearing to see 9.0000 in d what’s in 5.3750 in cup width: stock!

d 9.0000 in
operating temperature range: -65 to +250 °F
cup width: 5.3750 in
dynamic load capacity: 253000 lbf, 440000 lbf
assembly type: Double Row
static load capacity: 432000 lbf
D 15.7500 in
finish/coating: Uncoated
cone width: 3.4375 in
series: 430000
closure type: Open
compatible cone: EE430900
abma precision rating: Class 2
flange type: Non-Flanged Cup
bearing material: Steel
double outer ring width: 5.375 in
cage material: Steel
manufacturer upc number: 053893615127

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