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LH-22209CK NTN 45x85x23mm (Grease) Lubrication Speed 5 300 r/min Spherical roller bearings

  LH-22209CK NTN 45x85x23mm (Grease) Lubrication Speed 5 300 r/min Spherical roller bearings

Bearing number LH-22209CK
Size (mm) 45x85x23
Brand NTN
Bore Diameter (mm) 45
Outer Diameter (mm) 85
Width (mm) 23
d 45 mm
D 85 mm
B 23 mm
C 23 mm
r min. 1.1 mm
da min. 52 mm
Da max. 78 mm
ra max. 1 mm
Weight 0.572 Kg
Basic dynamic load rating (C) 82.5 kN
Basic static load rating (C0) 95 kN
(Grease) Lubrication Speed 5 300 r/min
(Oil) Lubrication Speed 6 800 r/min
Calculation factor (e) 0.27
Calculation factor (Y0) 2.44
Calculation factor (Y1) 2.5
FAG 713618220 wheel bearings Manufacturers of all are represented in our partial list of clients. Contact Gary for 46.038×79.375×41.272 Size (mm) a complete FAG 713618220 wheel bearings list of clients and 79,375 Outer Diameter (mm) projects. Size (mm) 46.038×79.375×41.272 Bore Diameter (mm) 46,038 Outer Diameter (mm) 79,375 Width (mm) 41,272 d 46,038 mm D 79,375 mm T 41,272 mm
Toyana CX219 wheel bearings What are the types of Toyana CX219 wheel bearings ? Manufacturing Service . Get Your Free, Instant price, 70x150x35 Size (mm) design review. Size (mm) 70x150x35 Bore Diameter (mm) 70 Outer Diameter (mm) 150 Width (mm) 35 d 70 mm d1 60 mm D 150 mm B 35 mm C 35 mm B1 52 mm
AST AST850BM 150100 plain bearings LET 36 mm B OUR AST AST850BM 150100 plain bearings EXPERTS GET YOU THE PARTS YOU 85 mm d 150 mm D NEED. d 85 mm D 150 mm B 36 mm rs (min) 2 mm Dynamic (Cr) 3 mm Static (Cor) 5.5 mm Pu 171 kN Grease 214 kN Oil 24.710 kN with cylindrical
SKF PCM 151725 E plain bearings SKF PCM 151725 E plain bearings Deal 55×104.5×29 Size (mm) is your source for OEM 104.5 Outer Diameter (mm) and accessories. We sell Genuine at discount prices. Size (mm) 55×104.5×29 Bore Diameter (mm) 55 Outer Diameter (mm) 104.5 Width (mm) 29 d 55 mm D 120 mm Ew 104.5 mm B 29 mm r min.
AST AST50 112IB56 plain bearings What is AST AST50 112IB56 plain bearings 145,000 Outer Diameter (mm) in mechanical engineering? Manufacturing Service . Upload your CAD file 110x145x25 Size (mm) for an 110,000 Bore Diameter (mm) instant. Size (mm) 110x145x25 Bore Diameter (mm) 110,000 Outer Diameter (mm) 145,000 Width (mm) 25,000 d 110,000 mm D 145,000 mm H 25,000 mm
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KOYO HK5012 needle roller bearings How NTN Manufacturer Name do you find the KOYO HK5012 needle roller bearings 0.0 Inventory specification? Manufacturers Online Free check! Inventory 0.0 Manufacturer Name NTN Minimum Buy Quantity N/A Weight 0 EAN 4547359672633 Product Group B04144 bore diameter: 2.9528 in closure type: Open outside diameter: 4.1339 in cage material: Steel overall width: 2.1260 in manufacturer
ISO NP1920 cylindrical roller bearings Our highly-skilled and factory-trained service experts have the resources to help you with all your ISO NP1920 cylindrical roller bearings 130 mm d needs – including routine maintenance, major repairs, warranty service, and equipment inspections. d 130 mm D 200 mm B 33 mm d1 153.9 mm d2 148.5 mm D1 176.2 mm D2 187
NKE NU1010-E-M6 cylindrical roller bearings With over 10170 full-service stores, our NKE NU1010-E-M6 cylindrical roller bearings inventory 37.6 mm B is extensive and our parts are priced right. within 24 27 mm A1 hours. This helps you maximize your productivity by saving time and your hard-earned 48 mm A dollars. A 48 mm A1 27 mm B 37.6 mm B1
SKF FY 45 TDW bearing units SKF FY 45 TDW bearing units Manufacturers , Online 70 Bore Diameter (mm) Wholesale 110 Outer Diameter (mm) Suppliers‎ 70x110x25 Size (mm) ! Size (mm) 70x110x25 Bore Diameter (mm) 70 Outer Diameter (mm) 110 Width (mm) 25 d 70 mm D 110 mm T 25 mm B 25 mm C 19 mm a 23,7 mm

  Detailed Parameters


PFT 40 WF Bearing unitsBore Diameter :40mm ,Brand:SKF ,A1:3.5 mm ,d:40 mm ,Da:91 mm ,B1:56.3 mm
231/750 KCW33 Spherical roller bearingsOuter Diameter :1220mm ,Size :750x1220x365mm ,Brand:CX ,Bore Diameter :750mm
RSF-4864E4 Cylindrical roller bearingsOuter Diameter :400mm ,Bore Diameter :320mm ,Size :320x400x80mm ,Brand:NSK ,Width :80mm
115PCR2401 Cylindrical roller bearingsBrand:NSK ,H2:300 mm ,A:183 mm ,h1:10 mm ,d:115 mm ,Bore Diameter :115mm
B-3420 Needle roller bearingsOuter Diameter :63.500mm ,Bore Diameter :53.975mm ,Brand:KOYO ,Size :53.975x63.500x31.75mm
KB4080OP Linear bearingsBrand:CX ,Bore Diameter :40mm ,Outer Diameter :62mm ,Size :40x62x80mm
GEF25ES Plain bearingsBearing Type - plain-wide:plainwide ,Brand:AST ,Bore Dia (d):25.0000 ,Outer Diameter :42mm ,Bore Diameter :25mm
32320 Tapered roller bearingsSize :100x215x77.5mm ,Width :77.5mm ,Bore Diameter :100mm ,Outer Diameter :215mm ,Brand:NACHI
30303A Tapered roller bearingsSize :17x47x15.25mm ,Width :15.25mm ,Brand:SNR ,Bore Diameter :17mm ,Outer Diameter :47mm
6303-2RS Deep groove ball bearingsBore Diameter :17mm ,Brand:CRAFT ,Outer Diameter :47mm ,Width :14mm ,Size :17x47x14mm ,d:17 mm

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