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KBS3068 NBS L 68 mm Linear bearings

  KBS3068 NBS L 68 mm Linear bearings

Bearing number KBS3068
Brand NBS
Bore Diameter (mm) 30
Outer Diameter (mm) 47
d 30 mm
D 47 mm
h 1.85 mm
D1 44.5 mm
L1 52.1 mm
W 1.85 mm
L 68 mm
Weight 0.31 Kg
Basic dynamic load rating (C) 1.6 kN
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  Detailed Parameters


NF204 Cylindrical roller bearingsBore Diameter :20mm ,Brand:ISO ,Size :20x47x14mm ,Width :14mm ,Outer Diameter :47mm
20209 KC Spherical roller bearingsOuter Diameter :85mm ,Size :45x85x19mm ,Brand:CX ,Bore Diameter :45mm
6310ZZ Deep groove ball bearingsOuter Diameter :110mm ,Brand:FBJ ,Bore Diameter :50mm ,Size :50x110x27mm ,Width :27mm
NK.22.1000.100-1N Thrust ball bearingsSize :830x1000x82mm ,Width :82mm ,Brand:ISB ,Outer Diameter :1000mm ,Bore Diameter :830mm
61913 Deep groove ball bearingsBore Diameter :65mm ,Outer Diameter :90mm ,Size :65x90x13mm ,Brand:SIGMA ,Width :13mm ,d:65 mm
UKFS313 Bearing unitsBore Diameter :60.325mm ,A4:40 mm ,H3:175 mm ,A5:53.5 mm ,d:60.325 mm ,Brand:KOYO
FR2ZZ Deep groove ball bearingsWidth :3.96748mm ,Outer Diameter :9.525mm ,Bore Dia (d):0.1250 ,Bearing Type:Flanged Shielded ,Bore Diameter :3.175mm ,Brand:AST
UCFL206-18 Bearing unitsBrand:FYH ,Bore Diameter :28.575mm ,A0:40.2 mm ,d:28.575 mm
ASTEPB 4044-40 Plain bearingsBearing Outside Diameter, Nominal(Do):44.000 ,Shaft Dia., Nominal (d):40.0000 ,Brand:AST ,Outer Diameter :44mm ,Bore Diameter :40mm ,Bearing Type:straight
UCTU211+WU600 Bearing unitsBrand:NACHI ,d:55 mm ,Bore Diameter :55mm ,Width :55.6mm

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