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ISO NKXR 25 Z complex bearings

  ISO NKXR 25 Z complex bearings


ISO NKXR 25 Z complex bearings with easy-to-use parts graphics, giving you the ability to check parts 5x19x6 Size (mm) 19 Outer Diameter (mm) availability, pricing, examine remanufactured options.

Size (mm) 5x19x6
Bore Diameter (mm) 5
Outer Diameter (mm) 19
Width (mm) 6
Bearing Type Sealed
Bore Dia (d) 5.0000
Outer Dia (D) 19.0000
Width (B) 6.0000
Radius (min) (rs) 0.300
Dynamic Load Rating (Cr) 1,986
Static Load Rating (Cor) 717
Max Speed (Grease) (X1000 RPM) 32
Max Speed (Oil) (X1000 RPM) 40
Max. Shaft Shoulder Dia. Inner (Ui) 8.5
Min. Housing Shoulder Dia., Outer (Uo) 16.500
Ball Qty 6
Ball Dia (Dw) 3.5000
Weight (g) 8.89
Precision A1
Standard Clearance K25
Material Martensitic Stainless Steel

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