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IKO GBR 364828 U needle roller bearings

  IKO GBR 364828 U needle roller bearings


Enjoy High Margins on Competitive Pricing.Great Wholesale 7,9375 Outer Diameter (mm) Products at 4,7625 Bore Diameter (mm) Low Costs.

Bore Diameter (mm) 4,7625
Outer Diameter (mm) 7,9375
Width (mm) 3,175
Bearing Type Sealed
Bore Dia (d) 0.1875
Outer Dia (D) 0.3125
Width (B) 0.1250
Radius (min) (rs) 0.004
Dynamic Load Rating (Cr) 69
Static Load Rating (Cor) 27
Max Speed (Grease) (X1000 RPM) 53
Max Speed (Oil) (X1000 RPM) 63
Max. Shaft Shoulder Dia. Inner (Ui) 0.2
Min. Housing Shoulder Dia., Outer (Uo) 0.287
Ball Qty 10
Ball Dia (Dw) 0.0394
Weight (g) 0.45
Precision A1
Standard Clearance K25
Material Martensitic Stainless Steel

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