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ESEHE203 SNR Basic dynamic load rating (C) 9.55 kN Bearing units

  ESEHE203 SNR Basic dynamic load rating (C) 9.55 kN Bearing units

A2 30 mm
B 19.1 mm
A5 12.6 mm
d1 27.2 mm
G M6x1
L1 58 mm
L3 38 mm
s1 23.05 mm
S 6.5 mm
SW 3 mm
C 9.55 kN
C0 4.78 kN
T min. -20 °C
T max. 100 °C
Recommended tightening torque for set screw 5.5 Nm
Designation of housing EHE203-
Designation of bearing ES203G2
Bearing number ESEHE203
Brand SNR
Bore Diameter (mm) 17
d 17 mm
L4 38 mm
s 6.5 mm
A 25 mm
A1 30 mm
B1 28.6 mm
D2 28.6 mm
E 21 mm
G1 M16 mm
H 58 mm
H2 91 mm
L 65 mm
Thread (G) M6x1
Weight 0.5 Kg
Basic dynamic load rating (C) 9.55 kN
Toyana CX149 wheel bearings Toyana CX149 wheel bearings Engineering Calculator , TIMKEN Manufacturer Name Manufacturing Service 0.0 Inventory . Get Your Free. Inventory 0.0 Manufacturer Name TIMKEN Minimum Buy Quantity N/A Weight 55.314 EAN 0053893540856 Product Group B04336 Precision Class Standard Component Assembly Basic Number H239649 Assembly Number 90061 Assembly Components H239649 (2) | H239612CD (1) | H239649XA (1)
SKF BT4B 332664/HA1 tapered roller bearings Online SKF BT4B 332664/HA1 tapered roller bearings Expert.More Choices. SKF BT4B 332664/HA1 tapered roller bearings in Stock & Ready 1 in d to Oil-Impregnated Bronze material: Ship Now! material: Oil-Impregnated Bronze maximum p value: Static 20000 / Dynamic 4000 (psi) d 1 in maximum pv value: 35000 D 2-3/16 in maximum v value: 225 (sfm)
Fersa 1680/1620 tapered roller bearings Our highly-skilled and factory-trained service experts have the resources to help you with all your 3.9375 in D Fersa 1680/1620 tapered roller bearings needs – including routine maintenance, major repairs, warranty 1.3125 in d service, and equipment inspections. d 1.3125 in radial dynamic load capacity: 2150 lbf D 3.9375 in radial static load capacity: 1080
NTN KJ37X43X22.8 needle roller bearings The online NTN KJ37X43X22.8 needle roller bearings parts store gives 0.0 Inventory you immediate access to a selection of more N/A Minimum Buy Quantity than 1.4 million new, used, remanufactured. Inventory 0.0 Manufacturer Name AURORA BEARING Minimum Buy Quantity N/A EAN 0190029044212 Weight / US pound 0.01 Product Group B04286
SIGMA LJ 1.1/2 deep groove ball bearings YOU’LL FIND AN EXTENSIVE SELECTION OF 12x28x8 Size (mm) SIGMA LJ 1.1/2 deep groove ball bearings FOR SALE. Size (mm) 12x28x8 Bore Diameter (mm) 12,000 Outer Diameter (mm) 28,000 Width (mm) 8,000 d 12,000 mm D 28,000 mm B 8,000 mm C 8,000 mm
Timken 211WD deep groove ball bearings 100% TIMKEN Manufacturer Name Authentic. Timken 211WD deep groove ball bearings Highest Quality. 0.0 Inventory Certified Supplier. N/A Minimum Buy Quantity Inventory 0.0 Manufacturer Name TIMKEN Minimum Buy Quantity N/A Weight 10.442 EAN 0883450013154 Product Group M06288 Number of Mounting Holes 4 Mounting Method Concentric Collar Housing Style 4 Bolt Square Flange Block Rolling Element
Toyana NF2326 E cylindrical roller bearings Toyana NF2326 E cylindrical roller bearings with easy-to-use parts graphics, giving you the ability to check parts availability, 105x190x36 Size (mm) pricing, 190 Outer Diameter (mm) examine remanufactured options. Size (mm) 105x190x36 Bore Diameter (mm) 105 Outer Diameter (mm) 190 Width (mm) 36 d 105 mm D 190 mm B 36 mm C 36 mm
KOYO DAC3568A2RS angular contact ball bearings How do I place an EMERGENCY order for a KOYO DAC3568A2RS angular contact ball bearings 40x80x30.2 Size (mm) that 80 Outer Diameter (mm) I want to pick up at a our store? Size (mm) 40x80x30.2 Bore Diameter (mm) 40 Outer Diameter (mm) 80 Width (mm) 30,2 d 40 mm D 80 mm B 30,2 mm
SNFA VEB 55 /NS 7CE3 angular contact ball bearings offers a SNFA VEB 55 /NS 7CE3 angular contact ball bearings selection of 0.0 Inventory Genuine at Wholesale Prices. We REGAL BELOIT Manufacturer Name are a SNFA VEB 55 /NS 7CE3 angular contact ball bearings Certified Parts Retailer N/A Minimum Buy Quantity Inventory 0.0 Manufacturer Name REGAL BELOIT Minimum Buy Quantity N/A Weight 0.091 EAN
FAG 3319-M angular contact ball bearings Manufacturers of 0.0 Inventory all are represented REXNORD Manufacturer Name in our partial list of clients. N/A Minimum Buy Quantity Contact Gary for a complete FAG 3319-M angular contact ball bearings list of clients and projects. Inventory 0.0 Manufacturer Name REXNORD Minimum Buy Quantity N/A Weight 2.542 EAN 0698210014858 Product Group M06288

  Detailed Parameters


BNH 009 Angular contact ball bearingsWidth :16mm ,Size :45x75x16mm ,Brand:NACHI ,Outer Diameter :75mm ,Bore Diameter :45mm
K32X37X27 Needle roller bearingsFw:32 mm ,Outer Diameter :37mm ,Brand:Timken ,Bore Diameter :32mm
6248-M Deep groove ball bearingsBrand:FAG ,Outer Diameter :440mm ,Width :72mm ,Size :240x440x72mm ,Bore Diameter :240mm
7236 BDB Angular contact ball bearingsOuter Diameter :320mm ,d:180 mm ,Width :104mm ,Brand:ISO ,Size :180x320x104mm ,Bore Diameter :180mm
53204 + U 204 Thrust ball bearingsBore Diameter :40mm ,Brand:SKF ,Size :40x20x14.7mm ,Outer Diameter :20mm
4T-15100/15245 Tapered roller bearingsMass:0.3 kg ,d1:46 mm ,Y0:0.94 ,Dynamic load, C:46.5 kN ,e:0.35 ,Y2:1.71
11210 TN9 Self aligning ball bearingsBore Diameter :50mm ,Brand:ISB ,Outer Diameter :90mm ,Size :50x90x20mm
7301CDT Angular contact ball bearingsWidth :12mm ,Outer Diameter :37mm ,Bore Diameter :12mm ,d:12 mm ,Size :12x37x12mm ,Brand:NACHI
GK 45 DO Plain bearingsBore Diameter :45mm ,Outer Diameter :68mm ,Size :45x68x32mm ,Brand:INA
SDMF13MG Linear bearingsBore Diameter :13mm ,D:23 mm ,Brand:KOYO ,Outer Diameter :23mm ,Fw:13 mm

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