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51112 FAG Da max 70 mm 60x85x17mm Thrust ball bearings

  51112 FAG Da max 70 mm 60x85x17mm Thrust ball bearings

Bearing number 51112
Size (mm) 60x85x17
Brand FAG
Bore Diameter (mm) 60
Outer Diameter (mm) 85
Width (mm) 17
d 60 mm
D 85 mm
T 17 mm
D1 62 mm
Da max 70 mm
d1 85 mm
da min 75 mm
ra max 1 mm
rmin 1 mm
m 0.278 kg / Weight
Ca 41500 N / Dynamic load rating (axial)
C0a 112000 N / Static load rating (axial)
A 0.063 / Factor min. load
nG 5500 1/min / Limiting speed
Cua 5000 N / Fatigue limit load. axial
INA B30 thrust ball bearings Advance INA B30 thrust ball bearings is your source for 0.0 Inventory NSK Manufacturer Name quality and accessories. shop online for home delivery or pick up in N/A Minimum Buy Quantity one of our 10000 . Inventory 0.0 Manufacturer Name NSK Minimum Buy Quantity N/A Weight 0.07 EAN 0029176016554 Product Group B00308 Enclosure 1 Metal
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NBS NA 4919 needle roller bearings Online 4000 psi maximum p value: shopping NBS NA 4919 needle roller bearings from a great selection at Store. … Accessories. Cast Bronze material: material: Cast Bronze maximum p value: 4000 psi d 1-1/2 in maximum pv value: 75000 D 3-1/2 in maximum v value: 750 fp/min overall length: 13 in groove/plug type: None material
NTN PK31.7X41.2X38.1 needle roller bearings What are the dimensions 25x28x15 Size (mm) of a NTN PK31.7X41.2X38.1 needle roller bearings? Manufacturing Service . Get Your Free, Instant Quote‎! Size (mm) 25x28x15 Bore Diameter (mm) 25 Outer Diameter (mm) 28 Width (mm) 15 d 25 mm D 28 mm B 15 mm c1 min 0,1 mm c2 min 0,2 mm M –
NKE NU217-E-MA6 cylindrical roller bearings What is the best place to buy NKE NU217-E-MA6 cylindrical roller bearings online? Manufacturing Service 35 Bore Diameter (mm) . Bore Diameter (mm) 35 d 35 mm B 43 mm A 80 mm B1 28 mm D 37,7 mm F 125 mm H 77 mm L 165 mm Bolt (G) M36x2
Excavator Caterpillar Cat320d Slewing Bearing/Ring/Circle Excavator Caterpillar Cat320d Slewing Bearing/Ring/Circle SEARCH 50x80x23 Size (mm) – Whether it’s agriculture or construction equipment your working on, Has the you need. Size (mm) 50x80x23 Bore Diameter (mm) 50 Outer Diameter (mm) 80 Width (mm) 23 d 50 mm D 80 mm B 23 mm D1 67,7 mm d1 59,1 mm E 72,33 mm
2307 Loyal Basic static load rating (C0) 11.2 kN 35x80x31mm Self aligning ball bearings Bearing number 2307 Size (mm) 35x80x31 Brand CX Bore Diameter (mm) 35 Outer Diameter (mm) 80 Width (mm) 31 d 35 mm D 80 mm B 31 mm C 31 mm Weight 0.68 Kg Basic dynamic load rating (C) 39.7 kN Basic static load rating (C0) 11.2 kN (Grease) Lubrication Speed 7000 r/min

  Detailed Parameters


6310-2NKE9 Deep groove ball bearingsWidth :27mm ,Bore Diameter :50mm ,d:50 mm ,Outer Diameter :110mm ,Brand:NACHI ,Size :50x110x27mm
23192-K-MB-W33 Spherical roller bearingsBore Diameter :460mm ,Brand:NKE ,Size :460x760x240mm ,Outer Diameter :760mm
6014-Z-N Deep groove ball bearingsBrand:NKE ,Width :20mm ,Outer Diameter :110mm ,Bore Diameter :70mm ,Size :70x110x20mm ,d:70 mm
31317-N11CA Tapered roller bearingsOuter Diameter :180mm ,Brand:FAG ,Bore Diameter :85mm ,Width :89mm ,Size :85x180x89mm ,d:85 mm
M88046/M88010 Tapered roller bearingsOuter Diameter :68.262mm ,Bore Diameter :31.75mm ,Size :31.75x68.262x22.225mm ,Brand:KOYO
NJ209+HJ209 Cylindrical roller bearingsBore Diameter :45mm ,Size :45x85x19mm ,Width :19mm ,Brand:CYSD ,Outer Diameter :85mm
NJ313-E-TVP3 Cylindrical roller bearingsd:65 mm ,Size :65x140x33mm ,Outer Diameter :140mm ,Brand:NKE ,Width :33mm ,Bore Diameter :65mm
NJ324-E-TVP2 + HJ324-E Cylindrical roller bearingsSize :120x260x55mm ,d:120 mm ,Brand:FAG ,Width :55mm ,Bore Diameter :120mm ,Outer Diameter :260mm
6013-2RS Deep groove ball bearingsd:65 mm ,Outer Diameter :100mm ,Size :65x100x18mm ,Bore Diameter :65mm ,Brand:CRAFT ,Width :18mm
USF212 Bearing unitsBrand:SNR ,Bore Diameter :60mm ,d:60 mm ,e:29 mm ,A:48 mm ,s:14.9 mm

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