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3206-2RS Loyal 30x62x23.8mm C 23.8 mm Angular contact ball bearings

  3206-2RS Loyal 30x62x23.8mm C 23.8 mm Angular contact ball bearings

Bearing number 3206-2RS
Size (mm) 30x62x23.8
Bore Diameter (mm) 30
Outer Diameter (mm) 62
Width (mm) 23.8
d 30 mm
D 62 mm
B 23.8 mm
C 23.8 mm
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2309K ISO C 36 mm 45x100x36mm Self aligning ball bearings Bearing number 2309K Size (mm) 45x100x36 Brand ISO Bore Diameter (mm) 45 Outer Diameter (mm) 100 Width (mm) 36 d 45 mm D 100 mm B 36 mm C 36 mm

  Detailed Parameters


05079/05185B Tapered roller bearingsBrand:Timken ,Bore Diameter :19.987mm ,Outer Diameter :47mm ,Size :19.987x47x14.381mm
HM215249/10 Tapered roller bearingsSize :75.987x132x39mm ,Brand:CX ,Bore Diameter :75.987mm ,d:75.987 mm ,Outer Diameter :132mm ,Width :39mm
AST850SM 2840 Plain bearingsBrand:AST ,Bore Diameter :28mm ,Outer Diameter :32mm ,Bearing Type:metal with bronze and graphite
799A/792CD+X1S-799A Tapered roller bearingsBore Diameter :130.175mm ,Outer Diameter :206.375mm ,Brand:Timken ,Size :130.175x206.375x107.95mm
7209 B Angular contact ball bearingsd:45 mm ,Size :45x85x19mm ,Brand:NSK ,Bore Diameter :45mm ,Width :19mm ,Outer Diameter :85mm
33019A Tapered roller bearingsOuter Diameter :145mm ,d:95 mm ,Size :95x145x39mm ,Width :39mm ,Brand:ZVL ,Bore Diameter :95mm
K25X30X13 Needle roller bearingsWidth :13mm ,Outer Diameter :30mm ,Size :25x30x13mm ,Bore Diameter :25mm ,Brand:FBJ
NA5915 Needle roller bearingsOuter Diameter :105mm ,Brand:NTN ,d:75 mm ,Size :75x105x40mm ,Bore Diameter :75mm ,Width :40mm
4R18001 Cylindrical roller bearingsOuter Diameter :1230.000mm ,Size :900x1230x895mm ,Bore Diameter :900.000mm ,Brand:NTN
UCTX13E Bearing unitsBrand:KOYO ,L3:121 mm ,d:65 mm ,A:70 mm ,L2:21 mm ,Bore Diameter :65mm

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