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29244-E1-MB FAG A 117 mm 220x300x48mm Thrust roller bearings

  29244-E1-MB FAG A 117 mm 220x300x48mm Thrust roller bearings

Bearing number 29244-E1-MB
Size (mm) 220x300x48
Brand FAG
Bore Diameter (mm) 220
Outer Diameter (mm) 300
Width (mm) 48
d 220 mm
D 300 mm
T 48 mm
A 117 mm
D1 251.5 mm
Da max 277 mm
Db min 304 mm
d1 285 mm
da min 260 mm
db max 229 mm
ra max 2 mm
rmin 2 mm
T1 24.5 mm
T2 17 mm
T3 30 mm
T4 45 mm
m 9.8 kg / Weight
Ca 690000 N / Dynamic load rating (axial)
C0a 3000000 N / Static load rating (axial)
nG 2160 1/min / Limiting speed
nB 1180 1/min / Reference speed
Cua 350000 N / Fatigue limit load. axial
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Toyana 23236KMA spherical roller bearings With over 10170 full-service stores, our Toyana 23236KMA spherical roller bearings inventory is extensive and our parts are priced right. within 24 hours. This 90x50x20 Size (mm) helps you maximize your productivity by saving time and 90 Bore Diameter (mm) your hard-earned dollars. Size (mm) 90x50x20 Bore Diameter (mm) 90 Outer Diameter (mm) 50 Width
Toyana NH214 E cylindrical roller bearings We Provide Extensive Toyana NH214 E cylindrical roller bearings Selection And Competitive Wholesale 1-3/8 in d Pricing. d 1-3/8 in maximum pv value: 50000 D 1-5/8 in maximum p value: Static 8000 / Dynamic 2000 (psi) overall length: 1 in maximum v value: 1200 (sfm) sleeve bearing type: Plain Sleeve material specification: Oilite®, Synthetic Performance
SKF PFT 17 TF bearing units How do I place an EMERGENCY order for a SKF PFT 17 TF bearing units that 90x140x24 Size (mm) I want to pick up at a our store? Size (mm) 90x140x24 Bore Diameter (mm) 90 Outer Diameter (mm) 140 Width (mm) 24 d 90 mm D 140 mm B 24 mm C 24 mm
NTN HTA007DB angular contact ball bearings How do I place an EMERGENCY order for a NTN HTA007DB angular contact ball bearings SCHAEFFLER GROUP Manufacturer Name that I want to pick 0.0 Inventory up at a our store? Inventory 0.0 Manufacturer Name SCHAEFFLER GROUP Minimum Buy Quantity N/A Weight 2.6 Product Group B04311
Loyal 21054101 bearing Loyal 21054101 bearing Deal is 0.0 Inventory your source for OEM SCHAEFFLER GROUP Manufacturer Name and accessories. We sell Genuine at discount prices. Inventory 0.0 Manufacturer Name SCHAEFFLER GROUP Minimum Buy Quantity N/A Weight 0 Product Group B00308
LM25OP Samick B 41 mm 25x40x41mm Linear bearings Bearing number LM25OP Size (mm) 25x40x41 Brand Samick Bore Diameter (mm) 25 Outer Diameter (mm) 40 Width (mm) 41 d 25 mm D 40 mm h1 12 mm B 41 mm L 59 mm W 1.85 mm θ 50 mm Weight 0.22 Kg Basic dynamic load rating (C) 0.98 kN
ZR3.20.1250.400-1SPPN ISB 1032x1397x132mm Hi 106 mm Thrust roller bearings Bearing number ZR3.20.1250.400-1SPPN Size (mm) 1032x1397x132 Brand ISB Bore Diameter (mm) 1032 Outer Diameter (mm) 1397 Width (mm) 132 d 1032 mm D 1397 mm H 132 mm V 26 mm de 1219 mm Z 87 mm m 12 mm N 36 mm di 1218 mm Di 1032 mm Dp 1044 mm De 1397 mm
51114 NKE 70x95x18mm D 95 mm Thrust ball bearings Bearing number 51114 Size (mm) 70x95x18 Brand NKE Bore Diameter (mm) 70 Outer Diameter (mm) 95 Width (mm) 18 d 70 mm D 95 mm H 18 mm d1 95 mm r1 min. 1 mm r2 min. 1 mm D1 72 mm Weight 0.39 Kg Basic dynamic load rating (C) 37.5 kN Basic static load
SF4802 NTN Width 40.000mm 240x340x40mm Angular contact ball bearings Bearing number SF4802 Size (mm) 240x340x40 Brand NTN Bore Diameter (mm) 240.000 Outer Diameter (mm) 340.000 Width (mm) 40.000 d 240.000 mm D 340.000 mm B 40.000 mm C 40.000 mm

  Detailed Parameters


P627-GB Deep groove ball bearingsBore Diameter :7mm ,Outer Diameter :22mm ,Width :7mm ,Brand:ZEN ,Size :7x22x7mm
NP2228 Cylindrical roller bearingsBore Diameter :140mm ,Outer Diameter :250mm ,Brand:ISO ,Width :68mm ,Size :140x250x68mm
MJT3.3/4 Angular contact ball bearingsBrand:RHP ,Outer Diameter :209.55mm ,Width :44.45mm ,Size :95.25x209.55x44.45mm ,d:95.25 mm ,Bore Diameter :95.25mm
DE0678CS12 Tapered roller bearingsBore Diameter :30mm ,Width :20mm ,Size :30x50x20mm ,Brand:NTN ,Outer Diameter :50mm
N1028HSKC1NAP5 Cylindrical roller bearingsBrand:NTN ,Bore Diameter :140mm ,Outer Diameter :210mm ,Size :140x210x33mm ,Width :33mm
SCW 10-UU Linear bearingsBrand:NBS ,Bore Diameter :10mm ,Thread (G1):M5 ,d:10 mm
UK205+H2305 Deep groove ball bearingsWidth :23mm ,Bore Diameter :25mm ,Outer Diameter :52mm ,Brand:ISO ,Size :25x52x23mm
S61704 Deep groove ball bearingsWidth :4mm ,Bore Diameter :20mm ,Outer Diameter :27mm ,Size :20x27x4mm ,Brand:ZEN
71960 ACDMA/HCP4A Angular contact ball bearingsBore Diameter :420mm ,d:300 mm ,Brand:SKF ,Width :56mm ,Size :420x300x56mm ,Outer Diameter :300mm
6900L11-H-20ZZ1 Deep groove ball bearingsBore Diameter :10mm ,Size :10x22x6mm ,Brand:NSK ,Width :6mm ,Outer Diameter :22mm

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