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22220SWREAg2E4 NSK C 46 mm 100x180x46mm Spherical roller bearings

  22220SWREAg2E4 NSK C 46 mm 100x180x46mm Spherical roller bearings

Bearing number 22220SWREAg2E4
Size (mm) 100x180x46
Brand NSK
Bore Diameter (mm) 100
Outer Diameter (mm) 180
Width (mm) 46
d 100 mm
D 180 mm
B 46 mm
C 46 mm
r min. 2.1 mm
Basic dynamic load rating (C) 455 kN
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  Detailed Parameters


7420 CBM Angular contact ball bearingsSize :265x100x60mm ,Brand:SKF ,Outer Diameter :100mm ,Bore Diameter :265mm ,Width :60mm
2RN5213 Cylindrical roller bearingsOuter Diameter :540.000mm ,Brand:NTN ,Bore Diameter :260.000mm ,Size :260x540x300mm ,Width :300.000mm
NU18/1000 Cylindrical roller bearingsWidth :100mm ,Bore Diameter :1000mm ,Brand:ISO ,Outer Diameter :1220mm ,Size :1000x1220x100mm ,d:1000 mm
6204LTZZ Deep groove ball bearingsOuter Diameter :47.000mm ,Brand:SNR ,Size :20x47x14mm ,Bore Diameter :20.000mm
22328 KCW33+AH2328 Spherical roller bearingsBore Diameter :140mm ,Brand:ISO ,Size :140x300x102mm ,Outer Diameter :300mm
2306 Self aligning ball bearingsBrand:CX ,Bore Diameter :30mm ,Size :30x72x27mm ,Outer Diameter :72mm
RCJT25-N Bearing unitsV:70 mm ,Thread (Q):Rp1/8 ,Bore Diameter :25mm ,U:46 mm ,d:25 mm ,Brand:INA
4314 ATN9 Deep groove ball bearingsOuter Diameter :70mm ,Size :150x70x51mm ,Width :51mm ,Bore Diameter :150mm ,Brand:SKF
6006-2RS Deep groove ball bearingsBrand:ZEN ,Width :13mm ,Outer Diameter :55mm ,Size :30x55x13mm ,Bore Diameter :30mm
QJ 1020 Angular contact ball bearingsBore Diameter :100mm ,Size :100x150x24mm ,Brand:NSK ,Outer Diameter :150mm

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