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2204-2RS ZEN Basic static load rating (C0) 3.95 kN 20x47x18mm Self aligning ball bearings

  2204-2RS ZEN Basic static load rating (C0) 3.95 kN 20x47x18mm Self aligning ball bearings

Bearing number 2204-2RS
Size (mm) 20x47x18
Brand ZEN
Bore Diameter (mm) 20
Outer Diameter (mm) 47
Width (mm) 18
d 20 mm
D 47 mm
B 18 mm
C 18 mm
Weight 0.14 Kg
Basic dynamic load rating (C) 9.8 kN
Basic static load rating (C0) 3.95 kN
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  Detailed Parameters


33217A Tapered roller bearingsWidth :49mm ,Size :85x150x49mm ,Brand:ZVL ,Bore Diameter :85mm ,Outer Diameter :150mm
23972 KCW33+AH3972 Spherical roller bearingsWidth :90mm ,d:360 mm ,Brand:ISO ,Size :360x480x90mm ,Outer Diameter :480mm ,Bore Diameter :360mm
54204U Thrust ball bearingsSize :20x40x32mm ,Bore Diameter :20mm ,Brand:NSK ,Outer Diameter :40mm ,Width :32mm
2310K Self aligning ball bearingsOuter Diameter :110.000mm ,Bore Diameter :50.000mm ,Size :50x110x40mm ,Brand:SNR ,Width :40.000mm
BT2B 334085/HA1VA901 Tapered roller bearingsOuter Diameter :406.4mm ,Width :164.275mm ,d:406.4 mm ,Bore Diameter :580mm ,Brand:SKF ,Size :580x406.4x164.275mm
30TM05A3 Deep groove ball bearingsWidth :19mm ,Brand:NSK ,Size :31.2x72x19mm ,Outer Diameter :72mm ,Bore Diameter :31.2mm
RNAO 18x30x24 - ZW Needle roller bearingsBearing number : RNAO 18x30x24:ZW ,Brand:NBS ,Size :18x24x24mm ,Bore Diameter :18mm
949100-3360 Deep groove ball bearingsBore Diameter :15mm ,d:15 mm ,Brand:PFI ,Size :15x46x14mm ,Outer Diameter :46mm ,Width :14mm
32015X Tapered roller bearingsSize :75x115x25mm ,Brand:Timken ,Outer Diameter :115mm ,Bore Diameter :75mm
QJ307MA Angular contact ball bearingsSize :35x80x21mm ,Outer Diameter :80.000mm ,Brand:SNR ,Bore Diameter :35.000mm

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