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17BGR02X NSK 17x40x12mm Angle (α) 15 ° Angular contact ball bearings

  17BGR02X NSK 17x40x12mm Angle (α) 15 ° Angular contact ball bearings

Bearing number 17BGR02X
Size (mm) 17x40x12
Brand NSK
Bore Diameter (mm) 17
Outer Diameter (mm) 40
Width (mm) 12
d 17 mm
D 40 mm
B 12 mm
C 12 mm
Angle (α) 15 °
a 9.8 mm
r min. 0.6 mm
r1 min. 0.3 mm
Weight 0.057 Kg
Basic dynamic load rating (C) 7.25 kN
Basic static load rating (C0) 2.98 kN
(Grease) Lubrication Speed 77 200 r/min
(Oil) Lubrication Speed 106 000 r/min
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  Detailed Parameters


BHAM 57 Needle roller bearingsSize :7.938x14.288x11.13mm ,Brand:IKO ,Outer Diameter :14.288mm ,Bore Diameter :7.938mm
T-93708/93125 Tapered roller bearingsBore Diameter :180mm ,Brand:NTN ,Width :63.5mm ,Size :180x317.5x63.5mm ,Outer Diameter :317.5mm ,d:180 mm
WTF266KVS3551Eg Tapered roller bearingsBore Diameter :266.7mm ,Size :266.7x355.6x230.188mm ,Outer Diameter :355.6mm ,Brand:NSK
7021CDT Angular contact ball bearingsBrand:CYSD ,Bore Diameter :105mm ,Size :105x160x26mm ,Outer Diameter :160mm
K 30x35x17 Needle roller bearingsBrand:NBS ,Bore Diameter :30mm ,Ew:35 mm ,Outer Diameter :35mm ,Fw:30 mm ,Bc:17 mm
UC207S6 Deep groove ball bearingsOuter Diameter :72mm ,Size :35x72x42.9mm ,Width :42.9mm ,Bore Diameter :35mm ,Brand:KOYO
UKPX15+H2315 Bearing unitsWidth :88.9mm ,Bore Diameter :65mm ,d:65 mm ,A:89 mm ,Brand:NACHI
SC04B66LLU Deep groove ball bearingsSize :22x56x17mm ,Bore Diameter :22.000mm ,Outer Diameter :56.000mm ,d:22.000 mm ,Width :17.000mm ,Brand:NTN
K47X52X27H Needle roller bearingsOuter Diameter :52mm ,Fw:47 mm ,Brand:Timken ,Bore Diameter :47mm
NU248-E-MA6 Cylindrical roller bearingsWidth :72mm ,Brand:NKE ,Outer Diameter :440mm ,Bore Diameter :240mm ,d:240 mm ,Size :240x440x72mm

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