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16002 ISO Width 8mm 15x32x8mm Deep groove ball bearings

  16002 ISO Width 8mm 15x32x8mm Deep groove ball bearings

Bearing number 16002
Size (mm) 15x32x8
Brand ISO
Bore Diameter (mm) 15
Outer Diameter (mm) 32
Width (mm) 8
d 15 mm
D 32 mm
B 8 mm
C 8 mm
NTN 2P6601K thrust roller bearings 100% N/A Minimum Buy Quantity Authentic. NTN 2P6601K thrust roller bearings Highest 0.0 Inventory Quality. Certified Supplier. Inventory 0.0 Manufacturer Name ABB MOTORS AND MECHANICAL INC Minimum Buy Quantity N/A Weight 55.338 Product Group M06288
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Timken 495A/493DC+X1S-495A tapered roller bearings Timken 495A/493DC+X1S-495A tapered roller bearings 7 Days Days to Ship Needs Analysis , Manufacturing Service . Get Your Free. 15 Bearing I.D. d(mm) Days to Ship 7 Days RoHS 6 Bearing I.D. d(mm) 15 Bearing Material [Steel] Steel Housing Material 1045 Carbon Steel Flange Shape Round Type Width T(mm) 30 ~ 70 Holder Surface Treatment
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  Detailed Parameters


7322BDT Angular contact ball bearingsBrand:NTN ,Outer Diameter :240mm ,d:110 mm ,Bore Diameter :110mm ,Width :50mm ,Size :110x240x50mm
NU330-E-MPA Cylindrical roller bearingsBrand:NKE ,Size :150x320x65mm ,Bore Diameter :150mm ,Outer Diameter :320mm
53208 Thrust ball bearingsBrand:FAG ,Width :20.3mm ,Size :40x68x20.3mm ,d:40 mm ,Outer Diameter :68mm ,Bore Diameter :40mm
23132-E1-K-TVPB + H3132 Spherical roller bearingsOuter Diameter :270mm ,Bore Diameter :140mm ,Brand:FAG ,Width :86mm ,Size :140x270x86mm
M235149/M235113 Tapered roller bearingsBrand:KOYO ,Size :170x254x46.038mm ,Outer Diameter :254mm ,Bore Diameter :170mm
6313N Deep groove ball bearingsBore Diameter :65mm ,Outer Diameter :140mm ,Brand:NSK ,Width :33mm ,Size :65x140x33mm
220KBE31+L Tapered roller bearingsBore Diameter :220mm ,Outer Diameter :370mm ,Brand:NSK ,Size :220x370x120mm
C4032 Cylindrical roller bearingsWidth :80mm ,Size :160x240x80mm ,Brand:SKF ,Bore Diameter :160mm ,Outer Diameter :240mm
131090/131152XP Tapered roller bearingsWidth :68.5mm ,Size :90x152.4x68.5mm ,Bore Diameter :90mm ,Outer Diameter :152.4mm ,Brand:Gamet ,d:90 mm
SAPF204 Bearing unitsBrand:KOYO ,A:16 mm ,Bore Diameter :20mm ,d:20 mm

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