15101/15245 SKF Da min. 54 mm 62×25.4×19.05mm Tapered roller bearings

Bearing number | 15101/15245 |
Size (mm) | 62×25.4×19.05 |
Brand | SKF |
Bore Diameter (mm) | 62 |
Outer Diameter (mm) | 25.4 |
Width (mm) | 19.05 |
d | 25.4 mm |
D | 62 mm |
T | 19.05 mm |
d1 | 45.8 mm |
B | 20.638 mm |
C | 14.288 mm |
r1,2 – min. | 1.3 mm |
r3,4 – min. | 1.3 mm |
a | 13 mm |
da – max. | 38 mm |
db – min. | 30.5 mm |
Da – min. | 54 mm |
Da – max. | 55 mm |
Db – min. | 58 mm |
Ca – min. | 4 mm |
Cb – min. | 4.5 mm |
ra – max. | 0.8 mm |
rb – max. | 1.3 mm |
Basic dynamic load rating – C | 48.4 kN |
Basic static load rating – C0 | 57 kN |
Fatigue load limit – Pu | 6.2 kN |
Reference speed | 8000 r/min |
Limiting speed | 12000 r/min |
Calculation factor – e | 0.35 |
Calculation factor – Y | 1.7 |
Calculation factor – Y0 | 0.9 |
Category | Roller Bearings |
BDI Inventory | 0.0 |
Manufacturer Name | SKF |
Minimum Buy Quantity | N/A |
Weight / Kilogram | 0 |
EAN | 7316570515596 |
Product Group – BDI | B04334 |
Dimension series | 15000 |
d1 ≈ | 45.8 mm |
r1,2 min. | 0.8 mm |
r3,4 min. | 1.3 mm |
da max. | 38 mm |
db min. | 32 mm |
Da min. | 54 mm |
Da max. | 55.5 mm |
Db min. | 58 mm |
Ca min. | 4 mm |
Cb min. | 4.5 mm |
ra max. | 0.8 mm |
rb max. | 1.3 mm |
Basic dynamic load rating C | 59.5 kN |
Basic static load rating C0 | 57 kN |
Fatigue load limit Pu | 6.2 kN |
Calculation factor e | 0.35 |
Calculation factor Y | 1.7 |
Calculation factor Y0 | 0.9 |
Mass bearing | 0.3 kg |
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Detailed Parameters
204KRRB2 Deep groove ball bearings | Size :20.24x47x20.96mm ,Width :20.96mm ,Brand:CYSD ,Outer Diameter :47mm ,d:20.24 mm ,Bore Diameter :20.24mm |
51276F Thrust ball bearings | Size :380x520x112mm ,Bore Diameter :380mm ,Brand:SKF ,Outer Diameter :520mm ,Width :112mm |
KMJ18×24×17S Needle roller bearings | Outer Diameter :24mm ,Fw:18 mm ,Ew:24 mm ,Brand:NTN ,Bc:17 mm ,Bore Diameter :18mm |
FNTA-75100 Needle roller bearings | Brand:NSK ,Width :4mm ,Bore Diameter :75mm ,Size :75x100x4mm ,Outer Diameter :100mm |
7208 BE-2RZP Angular contact ball bearings | d:40 mm ,Brand:SKF ,Outer Diameter :40mm ,Bore Diameter :80mm ,Width :18mm ,Size :80x40x18mm |
RAX 460 Complex bearings | Outer Diameter :85mm ,Bore Diameter :60mm ,Size :60x85x28mm ,Width :28mm ,Brand:Timken |
H414245X/10 Tapered roller bearings | Brand:ISO ,Size :68.262x136.525x41.275mm ,Bore Diameter :68.262mm ,Outer Diameter :136.525mm |
DB503901 Needle roller bearings | Outer Diameter :45mm ,Brand:NSK ,Width :12mm ,Bore Diameter :39mm ,d:39 mm ,Size :39x45x12mm |
3878/3820 Tapered roller bearings | Outer Diameter :85.725mm ,Width :30.162mm ,Brand:KOYO ,Size :36.512x85.725x30.162mm ,Bore Diameter :36.512mm |
5S-2LA-HSE032G/GNP42 Angular contact ball bearings | Bore Diameter :160mm ,Brand:NTN ,Size :160x240x38mm ,Width :38mm ,Outer Diameter :240mm |
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