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126088X/126133XC Gamet 88.9×133.35×30.16mm G 13.5 mm Tapered roller bearings

  126088X/126133XC Gamet 88.9×133.35×30.16mm G 13.5 mm Tapered roller bearings

Bearing number 126088X/126133XC
Size (mm) 88.9×133.35×30.16
Brand Gamet
Bore Diameter (mm) 88.9
Outer Diameter (mm) 133.35
Width (mm) 30.16
d 88.9 mm
D 133.35 mm
T 30.16 mm
B 34 mm
C 22.22 mm
r 0.8 mm
C1 5.56 mm
F 7.94 mm
G 13.5 mm
J 138.8 mm
R 2.5 mm
da 102 mm
Weight 1.5 Kg
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  Detailed Parameters


BRI 487232 U Needle roller bearingsBore Diameter :76.2mm ,Outer Diameter :114.3mm ,Brand:IKO ,Size :76.2x114.3x51.05mm ,d:76.2 mm ,Width :51.05mm
3780/3720 Tapered roller bearingsOuter Diameter :93.264mm ,d:50.8 mm ,Size :50.8x93.264x30.162mm ,Bore Diameter :50.8mm ,Width :30.162mm ,Brand:CX
CRD-7701 Tapered roller bearingsBrand:NTN ,Size :385x530x180mm ,Width :180mm ,Bore Diameter :385mm ,Outer Diameter :530mm
23960 EKW33+OH3960 Spherical roller bearingsOuter Diameter :420mm ,d:280 mm ,Width :90mm ,Bore Diameter :280mm ,Brand:ISB ,Size :280x420x90mm
23092RHAK Spherical roller bearingsSize :460x680x163mm ,Outer Diameter :680mm ,Brand:KOYO ,Bore Diameter :460mm
240/500 CW33 Spherical roller bearingsSize :500x720x218mm ,Outer Diameter :720mm ,Brand:CX ,Bore Diameter :500mm
23260 CC/W33 Spherical roller bearingsSize :540x300x192mm ,Width :192mm ,Outer Diameter :300mm ,Bore Diameter :540mm ,Brand:SKF
F634H Deep groove ball bearingsOuter Diameter :16mm ,Bore Diameter :4mm ,Size :4x16x5mm ,Brand:AST
NTA-3648 Needle roller bearingsCategory:Thrust Roller Bearing ,Weight / Kilogram:0.016 ,Minimum Buy Quantity:N/A ,Manufacturer Name:KOYO ,BDI Inventory:107.0
NAO17X30X13 Needle roller bearingsOuter Diameter :26mm ,d:17 mm ,Brand:Timken ,Bore Diameter :17mm ,D:30 mm ,Fw:22 mm

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