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1014KLL Timken G 17.46 mm 22.225x52x34.92mm Deep groove ball bearings

  1014KLL Timken G 17.46 mm 22.225x52x34.92mm Deep groove ball bearings

Bearing number 1014KLL
Size (mm) 22.225x52x34.92
Brand Timken
Bore Diameter (mm) 22.225
Outer Diameter (mm) 52
Width (mm) 34.92
d 22.225 mm
D 52 mm
B 34.92 mm
C 15 mm
d1 38.1 mm
B1 44.45 mm
B2 13.49 mm
G 17.46 mm
L 3.97 mm
S 17.46 mm
Weight 0.277 Kg
Basic dynamic load rating (C) 15.8 kN
KOYO 23128RH spherical roller bearings Welcome to the KOYO 23128RH spherical roller bearings 85 Bore Diameter (mm) online 85x210x60 Size (mm) seller. Size (mm) 85x210x60 Bore Diameter (mm) 85 Outer Diameter (mm) 210 Width (mm) 60 d 85 mm D 210 mm B 60 mm C 60 mm
NTN MR9211648+MI-769248 needle roller bearings We Provide Extensive 45 mm d NTN MR9211648+MI-769248 needle roller bearings Selection And Competitive Wholesale Pricing. d 45 mm static load capacity: 97.70 kN D 100 mm precision rating: ABEC 1 B mm bearing material: 52100 Bearing Steel flanges: (2) Flanges on Outer Ring cage material: Machined Brass bore type: Straight outer ring type: Outer
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Timken 110RU03 cylindrical roller bearings Timken 110RU03 cylindrical roller bearings Deal is 53,975 mm d your source for OEM 53,975 Bore Diameter (mm) and accessories. We sell Genuine at discount prices. Bore Diameter (mm) 53,975 Width (mm) 32,791 d 53,975 mm T 36,512 mm B 32,791 mm C 25,4 mm a 38 mm r min. 3,6 mm r1 min. 3,2
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24144-E1 FAG 220x370x150mm e 0.39 Spherical roller bearings Bearing number 24144-E1 Size (mm) 220x370x150 Brand FAG Bore Diameter (mm) 220 Outer Diameter (mm) 370 Width (mm) 150 d 220 mm D 370 mm B 150 mm D1 314.3 mm Da max 353 mm d2 247.6 mm da min 237 mm ds 6.3 mm ns 12.2 mm ra max 3 mm rmin 4 mm

  Detailed Parameters


X32021XM/Y32021XM Tapered roller bearingsd:105 mm ,Width :35mm ,Brand:Timken ,Bore Diameter :105mm ,Outer Diameter :160mm ,Size :105x160x35mm
S638-2Z Deep groove ball bearingsOuter Diameter :28mm ,Bore Diameter :8mm ,Width :9mm ,Size :8x28x9mm ,Brand:ZEN
RME45 Bearing unitsd:45 mm ,Brand:NKE ,Bore Diameter :45mm ,P:2 mm
GRA113RRB Deep groove ball bearingsBore Diameter :46.0375mm ,d:46.0375 mm ,Outer Diameter :90mm ,Size :46.0375x90x30.18mm ,Width :30.18mm ,Brand:Timken
NJ224-E-TVP3+HJ224-E Cylindrical roller bearingsBore Diameter :120mm ,Size :120x215x40mm ,d:120 mm ,Brand:NKE ,Outer Diameter :215mm ,Width :40mm
241/530BK30 Spherical roller bearingsWidth :335mm ,Outer Diameter :870mm ,Bore Diameter :530mm ,d:530 mm ,Size :530x870x335mm ,Brand:NTN
33885/33822 Tapered roller bearingsSize :44.45x95.25x27.783mm ,Bore Diameter :44.45mm ,Outer Diameter :95.25mm ,Width :27.783mm ,Brand:ISO
SL182222 Cylindrical roller bearingsBore Diameter :110mm ,Size :110x177.6x53mm ,Outer Diameter :177.6mm ,Brand:NBS
R1099V Cylindrical roller bearingsOuter Diameter :156.000mm ,Brand:NTN ,Width :70.000mm ,Bore Diameter :50.000mm ,d:50.000 mm ,Size :50x156x70mm
S61800-2RS Deep groove ball bearingsOuter Diameter :19mm ,Width :5mm ,d:10 mm ,Brand:ZEN ,Size :10x19x5mm ,Bore Diameter :10mm

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