Condition monitoring training
Get more out of your SKF products
SKF offers a wide range of training courses to help you maximize the benefits of using your SKF products. These courses are designed with a real-world practical approach for engineers and technicians to apply what they’ve whose responsibilities require them to be proficient in the use of the SKF condition monitoring products.
Product/Technology courses
There are two types of condition monitoring programmes offered: product training courses and technology courses. The product training courses focus on specific SKF condition monitoring products, while the technology courses attend to the techniques and skills of condition monitoring. All courses are not available in every country. Please contact your local SKF representative for times and availability.
SKF SmartStart courses
SmartStart is an on-site product start-up service that focuses on a specific product and is designed to get that product up and running, train your employees, and implement your programme quickly and effectively. The training takes the form of mentoring rather than classroom instruction, and the site instructor will offer guidance in applicable product and/or database optimization and functionality. Benefits of SmartStart training include: small class size, individual instruction, field exercises on your plant’s machinery and standardized plant-wide procedures.
Training for electric motor testing
Electric motor test training can help optimize predictive maintenance and motor repair/rebuild efficiencies in ways that increase profitability. These courses help boost productivity, help users become proficient at troubleshooting, and extend maintenance intervals through increased knowledge. They are geared to help maintenance personnel learn how to avoid costly downtime while improving the efficiency of critical rotating equipment. Electric motor test training courses are held at a variety of locations around the United States, or we can conduct courses at most customer sites anywhere in the world.