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Lubrication solutions

Lubrication solutions

Poor lubrication causes about 36% of all premature bearing failures

But with the right lubrication solution you can create new opportunities to increase uptime and productivity. Along with helping to reduce premature bearing failures and machine downtime, proper lubrication can increase energy efficiency. At SKF, we can help you realize the true potential of lubrication. 

SKF lubrication solutions range from specialized lubricants to state-of-the-art lubrication systems. Integrated SKF lubrication solutions combine our expertise in bearings, seals and condition monitoring with our tribology knowledge – the study of friction, wear and lubrication.

You can also count on leading technical support and services. This includes lubrication management programmes to help with lubricant selection, planning and monitoring – all from a single, reliable partner.

New lubrication products

ECP group - versions with reservoir and cartridge

SKF updates its Electric Compact Pump ECP

SKF announced the update of its Electric Compact Pump (ECP) for single-line lubrication systems. Originally introduced in 2016, the ECP is now available with plastic reservoirs for easy refilling processes and prefilled cartridges.


Control Center ST-2240-LUB

SKF introduces the Control Center ST-2240-LUB for industrial lubrication applications.


Lubrication Remote Monitor LRM2

SKF introduces the LRM2 for monitoring lubrication systems in difficult-to-access locations

Lubrication pinion

Lubrication Pinion LP2

SKF introduces the Lincoln lubrication pinion LP2 for open gear wheels and gear racks.

WRL with groove cleaner

Wire Rope Lubricator

SKF updates the Lincoln wire rope lubricator system with a groove cleaner.

Lincoln Small grease reservoir filling filter 84013

SKF introduces the Lincoln small grease reservoir filling filter

SKF introduces the Lincoln Small grease reservoir filling filter, model 84013.

Lincoln mechanical grease overflow prevention system

SKF introduces the Lincoln mechanical grease overflow prevention system.

SKF announced the introduction of the Lincoln mechanical grease overflow prevention system.

Catalogues and engineering tools for lubrication

 SKF Lubrication Systems Digital Catalogue

Lubrication Systems Digital Catalogue

The SKF Lubrication Systems Digital Catalogue is a software to collect all SKF and Lincoln catalogues, manuals and product images on your local computer. The implemented update feature will automatically download the latest version of these files. The files will be stored on your computer for offline usage.

System requirements: OS: Microsoft Windows Vista or higher / Framework: .Net Framework 4.5.2 or higher  / CPU: 2 GHz and 2 cores / RAM: 2 GB / Free HDD space: 3,5 GB

SKF Lubrication Systems CAD models

Lubrication Systems CAD models

Lubrication Systems CAD models

Download specifications of the automotive industry for SKF Lubrication Systems

SKF Lubrication Specifications for the Automotive Industry

Find here certified component lists of several manufacturers in the automotive industry.

SKF LubeSelect for SKF greases

LubeSelect for SKF greases

Find an appropriate lubricant for a specific application. LubeSelect for SKF Greases is free after registration.

SKF Lubrication Planner

Lubrication Planner

A user friendly tool to administer your lubrication plan

The power of lubrication – SKF and Lincoln

Lincoln - An SKF Group Company

Lincoln lubrication

Established in 1910, Lincoln is a world leader in the manufacture and sale of lubrication and pumping equipment for industry and vehicle service professionals. Lincoln is an SKF Group brand.